Deb Prevost, Director of Education, ASREB

You want to get your real estate license, but don’t know the best way to prepare. You can choose between classroom or online real estate pre-licensing courses – both offer the same material, so which is best? It comes down to what type of learner you are and your lifestyle.
We’ve put together a helpful list to help you decide which is right for you.
The Busy Bee
You drop your kids off at school, put in eight hours at work, make a hot meal for your family, drive the soccer practice car-pool, and the laundry won’t do itself – how are you supposed to add a class to the mix? Online real estate pre-licensing is a perfect fit. You’ll have access to the content anytime, anywhere. It’s designed to be flexible and work with life’s other responsibilities. Yes, even while you’re waiting for ballet class to end.
The Structured
You’re the type of person who must have a schedule and must stick to it. You prefer a course that meets at a specific date and time to keep your studies in check. Classroom learning is likely going to be your best bet and Arizona School of Real Estate & Business and Hogan School of Real Estate have been Arizona’s premier in-classroom providers for a combined 90 years. You just can’t find more experienced, trusted educators.
The Go-Getter
You’re self-motivated and driven. There’s only one thing you’re focused on: success. With your determined mindset, you’re likely to thrive in an online, self-paced environment. This way, you can complete your courses as quickly and efficiently as you’d like – nothing can get between you and your real estate license.
The Team Player
Two words: Study group. If you enjoy working with others, a classroom setting is going to give you the best opportunity to do so. You’ll be able to interact with like-minded individuals – or not so like-minded ones, which may open your mind to concepts you may not have easily picked up on in online coursework. Also, in the classroom, you’ll be able to brush up on those people skills, which are a must in the real estate world.
The Slow Mo or Quick Rick
Maybe you like to take your sweet time. Or maybe you understand the concept right away. With online real estate courses, you can work at your own pace. You don’t have to struggle to keep up with the rest of the class, nor are you held back from getting the show on the road if you’re readyto move forward quickly.
The Traditional
You just can’t picture learning anywhere other than the classroom. You rely on a living, breathing person to stand in front of you (vs. seeing an instructor on video) and demonstrate what you need to know to be successful. That’s great! Learning from an experienced real estate professional in a classroom setting is right for you. We’ve got that for you.
In the end, you might be a busy bee who enjoys a traditional education – you may have to give up the comfort of a classroom setting to do what’s best for your situation and take online courses. When it’s all said and done, there’s no wrong choice as long as the real estate pre-licensing program you choose offers quality information specific to Arizona that meets your unique needs.